Spring Retreat: May 30-June 1 - Register now for Early Bird Discount!
An unspoken truth of the New Year period is that a change in the calendar does not always align with a shift in our circumstances. As we move into 2022, we know there is opportunity for reflection, renewal, and regeneration.
We also acknowledge that these last two years have been extremely challenging. Even though the dates have advanced, we may still find ourselves managing the significant effects of long-term stress and continued grief over the loss of what we once knew as “normal.”
If there was ever a time that mindfulness practice was vital to our health and wellbeing, it would be now, in this moment.
In recognition of all that we are facing and holding as individuals and communities, we are offering our next 8-week course (beginning Tues. January 11th) through a choose-your-own-tuition model.
This means that you choose an amount that is right for you given:
If your financial means are limited, you may choose to take the course at a small amount or even no cost because we want everyone to have the opportunity to access the practice of mindfulness.
To determine what amount is right for you, we suggest something that reflects a commitment to fully engaging with this course. We also recognize that for some, any paywall can be a barrier to accessing something that might be truly beneficial to you. If this describes you, know that you are welcome to register for the course at no cost.
Upon registration, you will receive an email confirmation with a link to make a donation to Calmer Choice. Should you choose to make a donation, we ask that you include a note that you are a course participant.