Spring Retreat: May 30-June 1 - Register now for Early Bird Discount!
Calmer Choice is delighted to welcome Teri Treille as our Philanthropy and Community Outreach Coordinator. Teri hit the ground running in December to support our year-end and holiday activities and will be a vital addition to the organization as we embark on our 15th anniversary . Teri spent many years dedicated to corporate responsibility, philanthropy and sustainability. Her focus was strategic reporting, social impact, human rights, and employee engagement.
Teri was introduced to mindfulness while completing her MBA in Portland, OR and has completed several 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses and retreats – in both Pacific Grove, CA and Centerville, MA. For her, mindfulness benefits have included pain management, stress reduction and a stronger connection with nature – striving to improve listening skills, cultivating compassion and living a life of integrity.
While raising her son in Silicon Valley, Teri was constantly worried about the growing pressures on children. Schools wanted students to learn more and faster; coaches wanted players to specialize earlier and spend all free time practicing and traveling. There was a constant conversation about grades and applications for whatever came next. The result was exhausted students experiencing an ever-increasing level of anxiety. Wanting to learn how to step back and slow down, Teri volunteered with Common Ground Speaker Series, a parent education consortium, dedicated to encouraging strong families and engaging school communities. Topics included the influences of technology, developing a growth mindset, the growing mental health crisis, substance abuse and gender-specific issues. Teri brought these speakers to her son’s schools and engaged parents in conversation.
As I learned about Calmer Choice, I found the comment “children haven’t changed, but childhood has” to really resonate. It’s so true! Society has expectations of young people that are increasingly unhealthy and unfair. I’m excited about the coping skills and mindfulness exercises that Calmer Choice teaches children – and their stressed-out burned-out parents and educators. Families and schools are the center of a community, and Calmer Choice has evidence-based mindfulness research and a curriculum taught by kind and compassionate mindfulness instructors. I am so grateful to join Calmer Choice team!
Looking ahead, Teri, in her role as Philanthropy and Community Outreach Coordinator, will help build a robust volunteer program, support fundraising planning and events including the Second Summer Cycle in September.